
Statewide Resources

  1. Kansas Crisis Hotline (24/7) – 1-888-363-2287 | kcsdv.org

  2. Kansas Protection Order Portalprotectionorder.org

  3. Kansas Legal Services – Domestic Violence Assistance – 316-267-3975 | kansaslegalservices.org

  4. Kansas 211 – Domestic Violence Resources – Dial 2-1-1 | 211kansas.org

Dodge City

  1. Ford County Attorney’s Office Victim Assistancefordcounty.net

  2. Dodge City Police Department Victim Services – 620-225-8126 | dodgecity.org


  1. SOS Emporia – Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services – 1-800-825-1295 | soskansas.com

  2. Lyon County Attorney’s Office Victim Assistance – 620-341-3263 | lyoncounty.org

Garden City

  1. Garden City Police Department Victim Servicesgcpolice.org

  2. Finney County Attorney’s Office Victim Assistance – 620-272-3568 | finneycounty.org

Great Bend

  1. Great Bend Police Department Victim Servicesgreatbendks.net

  2. Barton County Attorney’s Office Victim Assistance – 620-793-1851 | bartoncounty.org


  1. Options Domestic & Sexual Violence Services – 785-625-3055 | help4abuse.org

  2. Hays Police Department Victim Services – 785-625-1030 | haysusa.com


  1. BrightHouse – Domestic and Sexual Violence Services – 620-663-2522 | brighthouseks.org

  2. Hutchinson Police Department Victim Services – 620-694-2816 | hutchgov.com

  3. Reno County Attorney’s Office Victim Assistancerenogov.org

Kansas City

  1. Friends of Yates, Inc. – 913-321-0951 | friendsofyates.org

  2. Kansas City Police Department Victim Services – 913-573-6000 | kckpd.org

  3. Wyandotte County District Attorney’s Office Victim Assistance – 913-573-2851 | wycokck.org


  1. The Willow Domestic Violence Center – 785-843-3333 | willowdvcenter.org

  2. Lawrence Police Department Victim Services – 785-832-7509 | lawrenceks.org


  1. Leavenworth Police Department Victim Services – 913-651-2260 | lvks.org

  2. Leavenworth County Attorney’s Office Victim Assistanceleavenworthcounty.gov


  1. Crisis Center, Inc. – Manhattan – 785-539-7935 | thecrisiscenterinc.org

  2. Manhattan Police Department Victim Services – 785-537-2112 | cityofmhk.com

  3. Riley County Attorney’s Office Victim Assistance – 785-537-6390 | rileycountyks.gov


  1. Safehope, Inc. – 316-283-0350 | safehope.net

  2. Newton Police Department Victim Services – 316-284-6030 | newtonkansas.com

  3. Harvey County Attorney’s Office Victim Assistance – 316-284-6980 | harveycounty.com

Overland Park

  1. Safehome, Inc. – 913-262-2868 | safehome-ks.org

  2. Overland Park Police Department Victim Services – 913-895-6300 | opkansas.org

  3. Johnson County District Attorney’s Office Victim Assistance – 913-715-3004 | jocogov.org


  1. Salina Police Department Victim Services – 785-826-7210 | salina-ks.gov


  1. YWCA Northeast Kansas Center for Safety and Empowerment – 785-354-7927 | ywcaneks.org

  2. Topeka Police Department Victim Services – 785-368-9551 | topeka.org

  3. Shawnee County District Attorney’s Office Victim Assistance – 785-251-4330 | snco.us

  4. Kansas Legal Services – Topeka Office – 785-354-8531 | kansaslegalservices.org


  1. Harbor House – Domestic Violence Shelter – 316-263-6000 | catholiccharitieswichita.org

  2. Wichita Family Crisis Centerwichitafamilycrisiscenter.org

  3. StepStone – 316-265-1611 | stepstoneks.org

  4. Wichita Police Department Victim Services – 316-268-4111 | wichita.gov

  5. Sedgwick County District Attorney’s Office Victim Assistance – 316-660-3600 | sedgwickcounty.org

If you see any mistakes in the information above or know of a facility we should include, please inform us here.